Monday, September 28, 2009

When you spend your life in airports…..

When you spend your life in airports…..

Most of my life has been spent avoiding the one thing I am afraid of…being alone. Until this year I was pretty good at it. This year I am traveling a lot. For the first time in my life, I spend a lot of time alone. I’ve never lived alone, always over involved myself in activities, and always jumped from one relationship into the next.
When you spend your life in airports you find yourself with a lot of alone time. Sometimes It amazes me how I can be in a city like Dallas or an airport in Detroit and surrounded by so many people but yet feel so utterly alone. It is in the alone times that you are forced to face yourself. It is in the quiet, empty hotel rooms in cities where I know no one that I have begun to find myself.
I am currently reading Blue Like Jazz by John Morgan. This quote stuck out to me:
“I believe the greatest trick of the devil is not to get us into some sort of evil but rather have us wasting time. This is why the devil tries so hard to get Christians to be religious. If he can sink a man’s mind into habit, he will prevent his heart from engaging God”
I waste a lot of time. I spend so much time investing in the pursuit of what? Not in the pursuit of Christ but in a stable career, a husband, money, in pursuit of just about everything except Christ.
Sometimes I catch myself stuck thinking that I can’t fully know who God is if I don’t even know who I am but the truth is that I can’t fully know who I am until I fully understand who He is.
When you spend your life in airports you meet a lot of people. Each of those people are on a journey, they have an agenda. Sometimes I wonder if I am so caught up in my agenda that I forget to stop and enjoy the journey, too busy to notice the people around me, a lost and dying world, hurting and in need of a Savior. Sometimes I wonder if I am so worried about my agenda that I forget that I need my Savior.

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