Monday, February 8, 2010

Singles Awareness Day

I would just like to take a moment and address "Singles Awareness Day" aka Valentines Day. I hear so many of my Christian friends talk about celebrating S.A.D. It almost seems selfish to me to take a day that is centered around Love and turn it into a pitty party when we have THE most perfect Love that anyone could ever dream of in the Love of Christ. Seriously, this man was beaten, spat upon, mocked, tortured, nailed on a cross and crucified for YOUR sins so that you could have eternal life. If that's not Love then I don't know what is. I've been "in love"...a couple of times...and as great as it is, it pails in comparison to the Love that Christ shows me every day of my life. This Valentines day, single or not, I encourage you to have a new attitude and instead of celebrating "S.A.D." celebrate the love that you do have in your life. The love of friends, family, and Christ. Share that love with others this season, volunteer somewhere this weekend and share your love with someone in need. Celebrate life changing love this year and I promise it will beat any Singles Awareness Day you will ever have. Happiness is a choice, and joy is not circumstantial.


vmdesign said...

I love you for this.... in addition to everything else :)

Blarin Karen said...

True. Good blog!!! I'm glad we'll be celebrating together!